Monday, July 09, 2007

Hostel ministry

Our church started a primary school for migrants. The age of the students range from 3 to 12. Most of these students come from resettlement area from Myanmar where access to school is non-existent. Some of the students live in the town. But we never imagined that the place provided to them by the church could not really accommodate so many children. The church had accepted more children than we expected. The pastor does not have the heart to turn them down.

So, with the help of some friends. We thought that it would be sensible to start a hostel ministry specifically for the students of the primary school. We believe that the Lord give us the provision that we need to care for the children and to minister to them in godly way. We want to minister to them and give them a house conducive for learning and to provide them a proper environment for children who are growing up. We pray to the Lord that through this ministry we could make concrete to them the love of God so that they would grow up believing that Jesus Christ love them so much that he gave his own life so that they may enjoy theirs.

We looked at the house today. It needs a lot of cleaning and some repairs. We hope that the house will be ready for the children within a week.


Anonymous said...

What a great ministry. A tangible way to show God's love to the needy! PTL for this, Joey!

It's truly a privilege to serve the Lord as a frontline missionary. All the best to you and your family.


Would you be so kind to repost this entry over at Oikos Online? Thanks in advance.

Joey said...


Thanks for the inspiring comment. PTL indeed. Yes, I'll post it in Oikos.