Thursday, June 18, 2020

That Time Will Come


Mark 13:32-33

“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert. You do not know when that time will come.”

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has infected more than 8 million people worldwide since November. World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a global pandemic. Together with other events like the worldwide riots because of racism, and recent developments in technologies like chip implants, 5G networks among others.

Many conspiracy theorists and Christian groups flood social media about the end of the world, the emergence of the antichrist, and the eventual second coming. Christians need to understand that these theories are not relevant in our belief that Jesus will come again soon. With or without these events, sooner or later, He will come again in God’s perfect timing.

The Bible has a different concept of time than us. We are concerned with the “passage of time,” in Hebrew there is no word for the chronological time. Instead, the emphasis is on "providence” of timing or the “purpose” of a certain time.

This is especially clear when we listen to the words of Jesus Himself. They are all be found in the New Testament. He often used words such as “day”, “age”, “generation”, “hour.” He spoke of “my hour has not yet come”, “the signs of the time”, “no one knows the time”.

But on every occasion, Jesus’s reference to time has to do with something significant or the importance of a specific event. Jesus is never concerned with controlling the time or getting more of it. He is only concerned with aligning with His Father’s perfect timing.

In the verse, Jesus tells us that no one knows the time. As Christians, we need to think differently about the time of His coming. Here are several things we can do.

Be prepared—we need to be alert and ready to present ourselves to God

Be patient—we need to trust that God’s timing is perfect in all matters

Be priority-driven—We need to pursue all accomplishments great and small with the sole purpose of knowing God, loving God, and displaying God’s glory.

One Minute Reflection

Do your activities show that you are ready for the Second Coming?

“Bible teaching about the Second Coming of Christ was thought of as ‘doomsday’ preaching. But not anymore. It is the only ray of hope that shines as an ever brightening beam in a darkening world.” – Billy Graham