Friday, February 06, 2009

A response to a modern-day prophecy

This post is about a response to the modern-day prophecy about the Philippines. A prophecy of almost the same nature but different content for Thailand had been made last year. Lately, I had been witnessing preachers prophesying to people in the congregation. And I agree, most of those prophecies were not really about predicting what will happen in the future but sort of general statement that can always come true whatever the situation is. But I can testify that the prophecies were meant and to encourage.

Here is the email I received from my professor. I deleted some sentence that may cause security problem with those who are ministering in the restricted countries. This does not affect the main thought of this email

Dear Partners in Global Missions,

I appreciate the ‘prophecy‘ below, but there's really nothing new about it! The last time someone gave this kind of ‘prophecy‘ in the Philippines, I heard the ‘prophet‘ ran away with another woman and divorced his wife!

The Bible is clear on how a nation can prosper, and there is no need for a ‘new revelation‘ on this theme. After all, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong became prosperous even without a prophet prophesying about their imminent riches!

The sending of missionaries from the Philippines does not even need a ‘prophecy‘ because the Risen Lord has given this command 2,000 years ago. For one thing, God's covenant people in the Philippines need only to OBEY the Great Commission. Nowhere in the Bible can we find a text that requires a PROPHESY for fulfilling the Great Commission aside from the required OBEDIENCE necessary to fulfill it. For another, churches should promptly obey the Great Commission and enlist, train, commission, send, and support their missionaries across the nation and around the world.

When the Korean Church sent more than 20,000 missionaries to different parts of the world, believers did so out of their OBEDIENCE to the Great Commission. The Church in Myanmar (a much economically deppressed country than the Philippines) has more than 4,000 cross-border missionaries because believers simply obeyed the Great Commission even at the absence of a ‘prophesy.‘

Of course, we do not need ‘prophesy‘ to find oil reserves on our lands and shores because they are a ‘given‘ under GENERAL OR UNIVERSAL REVELATION. Our Filipino engineers only need more time to ‘discover‘ them, depending on the latest technology available. (They may, however, need ‘discernment‘ and ‘wisdom‘ where to find the reserves!)

Speaking of ‘missionaries‘ from the Philippines going to the countries mentioned in the ‘prophesy‘ below, already thousands have gone into those areas. The Philippine government used to call them OCW (Overseas Contract Workers), but we, believers, know them as Overseas Christian Workers!

Do we need ‘prophesy‘ to ‘show‘ us the existence of the PRINCIPALITY OF CORRUPTION across the Philippine archipelago? I think Filipinos are not naive on this one. We simply turn on our TV set to find ourselves watching all forms of corruption, from commercials to telenovelas!

Of course, I believe in genuine biblical prophesy. What we should be extra wary about are the so-called modern-day prophesies that sound like ‘pastoral counseling advices‘ that feature the obvious rather than the mysterious.

Remember the old hymn, ‘Standing on the Promises?‘ That's exactly how God's covenant people should live. We live each passing day according to God's promises (Psalm 119) rather than modern-day prophecies.

Tons of grace,
Terry Casino


Anonymous said...

A modern day prophet who has a diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. His music soothes to your body and felt the peace and calmness of life.

Unknown said...

For me, life is a wonderful song with a lovely melody and the lyrics on it is my life. Just like the music of Kim Clement, I can hear Gods words through the soothing sounds that gave me the inner peace that I wanted. I can say he is a modern Prophet. Check on this site: , and be captured by its melody of life.

Unknown said...

Guys, a modern prophet is here and is singing a very soul music to inspire every hearts. KIM CLEMENT, must I say has a soft sound and its like hearing a heaven’s voice. A perfect music for ones who are having mediations and soul searching. Its very relaxing and rejoicing. Click here to experience inner peace that everyone wanted, like I did.

Unknown said...

I would like to share to you the prophetic gift of Kim Clement, his music has drawn a broad audience from different walks of life; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure.

Anonymous said...

Listen to a new genre of “prophetic” music. From the strike of the first note, the journey begins. Those that listen with their heart know it’s not just praise and worship; it’s prophecy, designed by inspired musical expressions. “God is speaking and we translate the sound through the music”. Visit

Unknown said...

Its very pleasing to the heart hearing smooth melodies from Kim Clement. A very calm and pure music that inspires me and gave soulful mind. I might say he is a modern Prophet. Check this site: , and let the music begin.

Unknown said...

Absolutely a perfect music that gives inner peace for yourself. Listen to the music of Kim Clement, the modern prophet. Check this site:

Anonymous said...

Life is a wonderful song with a lovely melody and the lyrics on it is my life. Just like the music of Kim Clement, I can hear Gods words through the soothing sounds that gave me the inner peace that I wanted. I can say he is a modern Prophet. Check on this site: , and be captured by its melody of life.

Unknown said...

Kim Clements music gives inner peace to your soul. He is a modern prophet that sends Gods words through his music.

VinceWM said...

A holistic music from a modern prophet Kim Clement, a song of Gods love to his people. It’s a perfect way to be closer to God. Hear his voice with this link :

VinceWM said...

Kim Clements voice gives inner peace. Its like hearing Gods word through music that came from a modern prophet. Listen with this link:

Unknown said...

Yeah, it is really possible to be one with God in worship through hearing a prophetic words and prophetic music’s. A true modern day prophet, Kim Clement, brought Jesus to life in his prophetic books. I have read it while listening to his songs and it lift me up. I can feel that God is with me and comforting me on my weaknesses. Check on this site:

VinceWM said...

Listen to the prophetic words of Kim Clement ,the modern day prophet, his prophetic music inspires everyone. He also made prophetic books of where we could be more closer to God. Try this site:

Anonymous said...

i agree with you guys,Prophetic books, prophetic music, prophetic words from a modern day prophet Kim Clement. Check this site:

Anonymous said...

Haven’t heard of anyone like him.Yes, Kim Clement is a modern prophet. He makes prophetic music and prophetic books of a prophetic words. He is one of a kind. Click this link :

Anonymous said...

A true modern prophet Kim Clement makes prophetic music and prophetic books of a prophetic word. Check this link :

Anonymous said...

Yes, I can attest to that. Kim Clement is a modern day prophet. He makes prophetic music and prophetic books of a prophetic words. It uplifts every hearts and give hope to everyone. Try this link and be enlightened:

Anonymous said...

I’m looking for a prophetic music that will give inner peace. Kim Clement, whom they called as modern prophet, suits every music that I dream. His prophetic words encourages those who read and internalize its meaning. Go to this site to experience a prophetic life.