Sunday, March 24, 2019

God Heals

It's been a while since I post in this blog. I am sharing to you a post from my other blog about my health. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this blog. Here it is:

They brought me to the operating room at 10 o'clock in the morning. The doctors would remove my right kidney, part of the liver and gall bladder because of a tumor.  At about eleven thirty, I was put under general anesthesia. The last thing I remembered was they were putting the surgical cap on my head and I passed out as I was praying to Jesus to take care of me during the surgery.

I woke up to a comforting voice of the nurse telling me that that the operation is over. I glanced at the wall clock and saw that it was almost one o'clock in the morning. I learned later that the operation went on for over eight hours and I was at the recovery room for five hours. I was in so much pain and I was shivering, it was cold. The anesthesiologist gave me more morphine. Then I was brought back to the ward. It was one of the most difficult hours of my life. But Jesus was there to see me through. Praise the Lord!

It is over a month since the surgery and although the surgical wound is not fully healed,  I'm recovering well.  The result of the biopsy is negative for cancer. My doctor wanted to be sure that I will have proper treatment. He sent the specimen to the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) for review and further test. The result was confirmed to be negative. But the doctor advised us to be examined by an oncologist just to make sure that the tumor does not spread on the other organs.

While we are here, we took the opportunity for Narlin to have her general check-up. It was found out she also has a few health problems and she will have treatment. We realized we were not looking after our own health while doing ministry in Thailand.

I found out later that the tumor is a renal cell carcinoma, a kidney cancer.

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