Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hans Kung on hope of unity

I couldn't resist reading the book and although I'm still trying to finish a borrowed book entitled Faith and Modernity I decided to return it today and read the book Richard gave me. If you are a fan of Hans Kung or somewhat interested in his theology or would want to know about him, this book is great with almost 400 pages of very readable theological biography and summary of Hans Kung theological works, this is a treat!

This is the introductory Kung quote in the first chapter.
Spero unitatem ecclesiarum: I hope for the unity of the churches.
Spero pacem relgiounum: I hope for peace among religions.
Spero communitatem nationum: I hope for community among the nations.

Where does the strength of my hope come from? For me personally, as for millions of religious people throughout the world, the basis of my hope is that utterly trust which is called faith: 'In Te, Domine, speravi; non confundar in aeternum. 'In you, Lord, I have hoped, I shall never be confounded' (Theology for the Third Millennium, 173).
Herman Harring, Hans Kung Breaking Through, p 3


Anonymous said...

Perhaps we already live in a condition of Indestructible Unity!!
And perhaps Christianity is a source of division--and always has been -- because it is based on a drive to total power and contol! See for instance:

Plus this essay on the dreadful politics & "culture" by the separative ego and collections of separative egos.


Joey said...

Hi John,

Thanks for the comment, checked out the links though haven't read them carefully yet, I'll do that later.
